This exciting new adaptation of the classic Italian story incorporates the audience’s imagination to reinforce the universal importance of telling the truth. Desperate for a son, lonely puppeteer Gepetto crafts a wooden boy. Pinocchio, however, is not content with his stilted life, so after making a promise to his father, he heads off to school, believing that’s the key to becoming a real boy. Along the way, Pinocchio is easily sidetracked by diversions that he hopes will result in more money, friends, and fun. Though he gets tricked out of his only possessions, Pinocchio eventually overcomes his scheming foes with the help of a clever cricket and a helpful fairy.
July 16 - July 30
Directed by William Wilday
Produced by Tracy Saltzman & Joseph Moretti
Play by Greg Banks
Based on the story by Carlo Collodi
Adrianna Bean
Kaiden Krepela
Karly Kato Bang
Lilianah Barton
Mallory North
Nadia Goosby
Sally Wenger
Sophie Marsden